
We are fully accredited.


January 23, 2024

Sacred Heart Cathedral School is fully accredited through the Florida Catholic Conference.

The Florida Catholic Conference Accreditation, developed by state diocesan educational leaders in consultation with school pastors and principals, has been approved for use in the Catholic school by the Florida Bishops.

The Florida Catholic Conference Accreditation program began three decades ago, with the vision of forming positive change and the continuation in improvement of Catholic schools in Florida. The standards of this accreditation program are derived from sound educational research and influenced by Catholic educational philosophy which integrates faith and values into lifelong learning. These standards are used in working through the self-evaluation process which promotes accountability for each school and achieving excellence.

Each school is accredited on a seven-year rotation. Sacred Heart Cathedral School last completed this process in 2023. The team spent two days at our school evaluating the effectiveness of our school in relation to the standards established by the Catholic Florida Conference. In collaboration with faculty, staff, students and parental input, we demonstrated how we meet the standards. We also created a multi-year plan for continued improvement which was approved by the FCC visiting team.