Our mission is to educate hearts and minds for God.
If you are new to our school, or new to the Pensacola area, we invite you to explore our website and discover our Catholic faith and tradition of academic excellence since 1906.
Since 1906, we have remained rooted in our Catholic tradition, and strived for academic excellence. None of this would be possible without you.

Apply to Learn More
Since our founding in 1906, Sacred Heart Cathedral School has partnered with students and families in a common vision to educate the hearts and minds of young people.
We live this out through high quality class instruction, collaboration with our parents, and students who are highly motivated to learn in a warm and nurturing faith-filled environment.
Please contact us with any questions that you may have, and we will get back with you shortly.

Explore our curriculum
Sacred Heart Cathedral School recognizes that we are in collaboration with you, the parent, in the education and formation of your children.
We desire to work with you, the first and primary educators of your children, in their holistic development at every key stage of their life. We are here for you, and welcome your feedback on how we both can best serve your children.
Explore our curriculum, Pre-K through 8th grade, and learn why it is our goal that students will not only have academic success but understand that Jesus is the reason for our school.

Join the Sacred Heart Family
We are no longer accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year. If you would like the opportunity to join our wait list for the 2024-2025 school year, please click the Inquire Now button below.

Explore our faith and service to others
As a family of faith, Sacred Heart Cathedral School is rooted in Jesus Christ and oriented towards Heaven. We are fully alive and eager to live out our faith.
It is our goal that students will not only have academic success but understand that Jesus is the reason for our school. Our faith educates us in who we are and informs how we live each day.